Our world is growing smaller and smaller – metaphorically speaking. Private and business contacts and interactions are becoming more and more international. Legal disputes require layers who are familiar with international law and in particular with the differences from German law. Apart from this, many cases will touch multiple legal areas. For every mandate, we therefore form a team of specialist lawyers from the law firm Maltry and our specialist partners.
Focuses in
international law
International inheritance law
In light of globalisation, border-crossing inheritance cases occur with increasing frequency: real estate or holiday domiciles and investments made by Germans abroad are no longer a rare occurrence. Vice versa, more and more foreigners are living in our country, holding assets both at home and in Germany. Consequences under inheritance law are often not considered when the purchase is made.
International inheritance tax law tax design models
Inheritance tax is not consistent across Europe. However, there are double taxation conventions with some countries. As soon as an international reference exists in your individual case, you should have the relevance under tax law reviewed. Together with our experienced cooperation partners, we will find the right solution for you.
International family law
The growing globalisation affects marriages as well. The trend of marrying abroad increases. 13.5% of all marriages have spouses with different nationalities. If at least one spouse lives abroad or has assets abroad, there is also an international reference that requires expert knowledge in international family law.
International real estate law
Focus on Italy
When transferring foreign real estate, advice on foreign real estate law is necessary. In Italy, ownership is already transferred with the agreement in the purchase contract. In most cases, a "compromesso" is therefore required. In inheritance cases involving real estate assets, the transfer in the land register can only take place after the Italian inheritance tax declaration has been submitted. Transfers of real estate with a foreign connection generally give rise to taxation rights in several countries.

Every state has its own rules – we offer border-crossing consultation
As an international legal code, international law deals with the legal relationships between various states. In spite of globalisation by connections in economics, politics, internet and private lives, there still is too little global legislation in spite of European regulations on inheritance and family law. This fact does bring up problems, e.g. when dealing with differences in taxation of an inheritance with foreign reference or divorce from your spouse whom you married abroad.
Customer support in
other European countries
For many years, we have been using our international network based on individual demand. We cooperate closely across Europe with our specialist cooperation partners and notaries public, e.g. in Spain (Madrid, Barcelona), on Mallorca, in Italy, France (Paris, Southern France), Belgium (Brussels) and in Austria. Beyond this, our network also includes cooperation partners in Australia (Sydney, Perth) and in the USA (New York, Los Angeles).
We measure the success of our cooperation by your satisfaction. Feel free to schedule a consultancy appointment!
Your contacts in
international law
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