Your law firm at the heart of Munich | SINCE 1984

Law firm
MALTRY in Munich,
Geretsried and Rome

Specialists for inheritance law and family law,
asset succession and corporate succession

39 years of experience

We are by your side – with more than 39 years of experience as successful specialist lawyers.

Comprehensive know-how

We work for you – with our specialist knowledge in inheritance law and family law.

Personal support

We advise you individually – with creativity and a wealth of methods for the best results in your case.

Welcome to
our law firm

With our headquarters in Munich and branch/office in Geretsried and Rome we have advised our clients on the subjects of inheritance lawand family law since 1984. In addition to this, we will gladly handle matters of asset succession, corporate succession and execution of wills for you. Tax law, real estate law and international law are considered from case to case. As experienced mediators, we also take over the role of mediator in conflict situations and will find a matching solution together. Get to know us and learn more about our experience and working method..

Maltry - Partner Bild

The law firm was founded in 1984 by its namesake, lawyer Renate Maltry. In 2023, Ms. Maltry brought the lawyers Andreas Völker and Martin Hartner on board. Their different professional experiences complement each other. The partnership ensures the further development and growth of the law firm.

Satisfaction of our clients
is the most important thing for us.

Due to my early commercial alignment, entrepreneurial thinking is deeply ingrained for me. Management of the firm and on-going renewal and perfection of the organisation structures have always played a great role. This includes our client survey that we have performed since 2001. We take our clients' needs very seriously, which has enabled us to get to know our weaknesses and continually improve them. The many positive feedbacks speak a clear language and make us happy, but also motivate us and inspire us for the future.

    Ms Maltry has coordinated with us in a very sensitive manner for fair consultation of both parties, with quick and reliable information. 
    It's great that Ms Maltry came to the notary public with us.


    Support by Ms Maltry (who even came to the notary public with me) was extremely competent, supportive and helpful! It couldn't have been any better!


    Clear, technically founded procedure, clear coordination. Plenty of experience with difficult separation situations and professional handling of the parties.


    Everything was in order. Her service was outstanding. I felt that I could trust Ms Maltry blindly and that I could leave everything to her. This is a very impressive experience that touched me greatly.

Kanzlei Maltry München, Empfangsraum

Competence and creativity
for individual solutions


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Legal Areas/Services

Inheritance Law

You don't want to leave provisions on your estate to the law alone? Use various options for planning your succession under inheritance law! 
Our team will develop customised tax-optimised concepts. We design your last will and represent you out of court and in court.

Family Law

For us as specialists for family law, people with their emotions, relationships and stories are at the focus. We offer preventive advice and support in the conclusion of marriage contracts and parental agreements.
In case of separation, we develop separation and divorce agreements and will accompany you through the process of divorce.


Finding solutions together and avoiding stressful court disputes – those are the targets of our out-of-court mediation in family and inheritance-law matters. 
As mediators, we facilitate the communication process between disputing parties in order to find creative and constructive, sustainable solutions.

Asset Succession

Building family assets takes a lot of work and economically smart action. One wrong decision may be enough to make everything fall apart. We see our task in developing clear rules of succession under the aspect of tax optimisation in order to pass on your assets to the next generation as completely as possible.

Corporate Succession

Handing over operations is an important step. This is even more important for family entrepreneurs when handing over to the following generation. This is about asset securing, responsible continuation and management of the company and not least about preservation of your life's work. Our work and competence of our cooperating specialists can decisively contribute to success.

Execution of Wills

Execution of wills is a sensible instrument to implement your last will, protect your assets and secure your heirs. It is also always a matter of trust to take influence on the inheritance. The certified executor Renate Maltry will reliably help you with processing and permanent execution.

Tax law

Finding your way through the labyrinth of tax law is a case for specialists. Together with selected tax advisors and certified accountants, we develop tax-optimised succession plans with you. We point out ways to minimise the tax burden in case of inheritance. Take over tax-related real estate assessment and business-administration-related-corporate assessment. We will support your divorce for tax-optimised asset settlement and point out tripwires in separation and divorce proceedings.

Real Estate Law

Inheritance disputes and succession planning in inheritance law often is about family homes or about one or several properties. We use our experience and our know-how to support you efficiently in division auctions of your property and design tax-optimised transfer models. We draw up contracts following divorce and marriage contracts for asset settlement in the scope of divorce, including aspects of real-estate law and compile surrender contracts.

International Law

Border-crossing application of laws in inheritance law, in particular in the European area, becomes more and more frequent due to globalisation. Property and investments of Germans in other European countries are no longer a rare thing. The consequences under inheritance law will usually not be considered upon acquisition. Vice versa, more and more foreigners are living in Germany, with assets both at home and in Germany. Binational marriages are becoming increasingly frequent as well, so that international law is playing an increasing role in divorce as well.

Law Firm Maltry

As specialist lawyers, we will personally support you and be at your side in all matters of inheritance law and family law.

Competent and committed: We specialise in inheritance law and family law. We will put you and your needs at the focus with individual advice. We will find the right solution together.

learn more

Rechtsanwalt Maltry München, Kanzlei
Renate Maltry, Fachanwalt Erbrecht, Familienrecht, Mediator

Renate Maltry

Specialist lawyer for inheritance law and family law,
founder of law firm Maltry

Learning from the past.
Living in the present.
Guided by the future.

Social change is becoming evident in particular in the legal areas of our specialisations – in family law, inheritance law, succession planning and corporate succession. I strive to set social accents that go beyond my daily work and to contribute them to every legal case.

The prerequisites for success of our work are thorough analysis of the individual case. This is followed by individual provisions and strategy plans. Structuring and solving complex cases is my challenge and motivation. People with their needs and concerns are always at the focus there.

In mediation, the application of new communication methods, settlement of disputes and professional processing of connections and structures facilitate conflict solution. Our team work practiced for many years leads to constructive results here.

Guided by the future, I have been managing the law firm Maltry Rechtsanwältinnen in Munich since 1984. One of my leading principles is the combination of innovative ideas and experience.

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All the specialist lawyers working in the law firm Maltry are experts in their respective areas.
We bundle our strengths in each case and work to achieve the best case result
– for you and for your future!


Andreas Völker LL.M.

Specialist lawyer for tax law, specialist lawyer for inheritance law


Martin Hartner

Specialist lawyer for inheritance law

Raphaela Hüßtege - Team Startseite

Raphaela Hüßtege

Specialist lawyer in inheritance law


Ina Müller vom Berge

Specialist lawyer for family law

Laura Kiefer Rechtsanwältin, rounded

Laura Kiefer


Carolin Hölscheidt, Anwältin, rounded

Carolin Hölscheidt



Jessica Chaaban



Cornelius Bogner



Initial consultation: Answering questions and assessing chances of success

Do you want to settle your estate or do you need help with an inheritance case? Are you looking for a competent lawyer to help you plan your company's succession? Are you facing separation or already in the middle of a divorce? Are you stuck in a conflict and do you want to use a neutral mediator? We will gladly support you and discuss your case in a non-committal initial consultation.


Procedure of the Initial Consultation

First interview

You will present your request to us in a first interview. We will answer your questions and determine your chances of success, e.g. concerning the subject of "How does a divorce or inheritance dispute work?" or
"How is a testament set up?"

Cost estimates

We will inform you about the expected costs when submitting the corresponding documents and figures.

Placing the order

You can then think about our offer
or charge us directly.

Costs of the initial consultation

The initial consultation costs 190.00 Euro plus VAT. You can pay in cash or with a debit card on site.

Contact us ...


Maltry RechtsanwältInnen PartG mbB

Hohenzollernstrasse 89
D-80796 Munich

Leitenstraße 40
D-82528 Geretsried

Via Rasella (Palazzo Tittoni)
I-00187 Roma

Office hours

Monday to Thursday

8.30 am - 12 pm
2 pm - 5 pm 


8.30 am - 2 pm
or by appointment